feeling protected中文什么意思

发音:   用"feeling protected"造句
  • feeling:    n. 1.感触,感觉;知觉。 2.〔 ...
  • protect:    vt. 1.保护,包庇,守护;警戒; ...
  • protected:    保的; 保护性成色剂; 防护的; 受 ...
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  1. But very soon , we felt protected by the omnipresent master , and became calm and peaceful . we came to a convent , where god seemed to have arranged everything for us
  2. Classified voting system gives public shareholders the rights to decide firms ' important problems thus the investors feel protected by the new regulation
    分类表决机制赋予了社会公众股东在公司重大决策问题方面说话的权力, 《证券投资者保护基金管理办法》则为投资者撑开一把利益保护伞。
  3. I can hardly describe that feeling in words , but i felt protected by the light . this is how our omnipotent master looks after her children , each according to their needs and circumstances


  1. feeling of uselessness 什么意思
  2. feeling or expressing anguish 什么意思
  3. feeling participation 什么意思
  4. feeling pin 什么意思
  5. feeling pleased; filled with joy 什么意思
  6. feeling pulse 什么意思
  7. feeling pulse with one finger 什么意思
  8. feeling rotten 什么意思
  9. feeling shoot 什么意思
  10. feeling sick 什么意思


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